And i am that viking!
You should have had maddox run in:P
And i am that viking!
You should have had maddox run in:P
holy shit
That was an amazing flash. What an amazing story line:P i loved ever minute of it
I feel like i've been voting 10 all day, WHY ARE YOU MAKIN ME VOTE TEN!:P AHH
haha I loved it
Really well done, the inflames was the perfect touch:P But seriously folks, cats will to that. Those furry bastards of pets.
HAPPY 30000k!!!!!
I liked it
I think you have real potention as a flash artist. I gave interactivty a nine because of the "skip to the fighting" button:P
See, i interpret it differently.
I thought the title related more to us, in saying that we will never know if the flower would have shown his love for her, as the letter clearly didnt. I am interested to know though, why he could give her the flower, and not the letter. Mayby it was to personal, or not personal enough. Even still, this is a perfect example of why truck drivers are evil people:P
I hate you
Teach me how to make flash you son of a bitch!:P haha
haha, any time :P
Joined on 2/4/06